
ArticleFive Ways to Upgrade Your Brand

Five Ways to Upgrade Your Brand

Let’s be real with each other: your brand might suck. But creative director, writer, artist and fire-starter Lalita Ballesteros is here to help you out, with five tips for improving your brand.

  1. You’re Here for a Reason

Lalita is a firm believer in always being authentic, so it is no surprise that the first step of her process is to get in tune with the inner you. In order to upgrade your brand, you first need to realize what what wisdom you can share with the world. This may stem from your passion, or even something that drives you nuts that you want to change.

  1. Teach it. Often. Consistently. Openly. Truthfully.

So you’ve figured out what you’re meant to teach the world, and now you need to get it out there. In order to do this, you ne...

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