
Integrate your Xero account

Bizplan offers the ability to pull financial data from your Xero account in order to compare with your plan and goals.

Note: You must already have a Xero account setup to proceed. If you don't have a Xero account, you can sign-up for a free trial.

To integrate your Xero account

  1. Navigate to the Settings page in the Finance section of the application.
  2. Scroll down to the Integrations form at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the Xero logo in the blue circle.
  4. You will be redirected to the Xero website where you will be asked to sign in to your Xero account.
  5. After successfully logging in, select an Organization from the dropdown and click the Authorize button.
  6. Wait until you are redirected back to the Bizplan application which could take 5-10 seconds.
  7. Your Xero data will appear in the Dashboard, as well as overlaid on the Plan charts in Personnel, Expenses, Revenue and Capital pages.

To disconnect your Xero account from Bizplan

  1. Navigate to the Settings page in the Finance section of the application.
  2. Scroll down to the Integrations form at the bottom of the page. 
  3. Click on the Disconnect button
  4. Wait for the page to reload and your Xero account will be deleted from our system.
  5. You can reconnect your Xero account at any time if you choose.
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