
ArticleWhat if Our Dreams Are an Illusion?

What if Our Dreams Are an Illusion?

What if all the sacrifice we're making for this startup isn't worth it?

There's a bit of a compact we make with ourselves that it's OK to sacrifice our time, money, and life experiences for a big payoff later. The most important part of that assumption is that we're absolutely certain that the things we'll get with that payoff are worth the sacrifice.

But how do we know for sure? What if we go through all of this sacrifice, get everything we ever thought we wanted, and wind up no more satisfied than we are today? What if our dreams are an illusion?

The Cost of Being Wrong

The cost of us being wrong is significant because, as Founders, we sacrifice a lot for our goals. By comparison, if we work a regular day job, we get paid for our time. We...

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