
Where can I sell refurbished laptops for re-use?

I have found a supplier to provide me with refurbished laptops for very cheap for me to sell and make profit from. They come with a two year warranty and I will sell them for much cheaper than they are sold in shops. But I don't know where to sell them, I have found ebay and amazon but I would also like some direct sales, either cash in hand or something simple like this. Or if I can find a company to make an order with me and they come collect the laptops and pay in hand I would like this also. I am looking to become a supplier as well as a retailer with this inventory of laptops I can now sell


eBay is a great starting place. Would love to help you create a store and market it effectively. I have done this for years in other related business.

Answered 10 years ago

From eBay you can identify and contact companies already in this business with success. Make an offer. Do the same with others on Internet. I sense you're better off taking a piece of the potential profit rather than invest in a proprietary business. Give me a call if I'm right.

Answered 10 years ago

Did you try amazon or ebay? Seems like a natural place to start...

Answered 9 years ago

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