
Results for: local seo

You mentioned they were a new client. What type of company are you? With that info we could help more. “However, they have also produced hundreds of copy-written material on their blog that are replicated all over the web ( other dental sites mostly.. ). Some of the content has been taken direct...


You'll never get indexed by Google right away, it's going to take at least a few days or weeks, but there are a few things you can do to speed up the process as much as possible. 1. Create at least one simple landing page while your site is being developed and include a few paragraphs of text ex...


Social logins are great because they allow you to tap into your user's network. But if your app doesn't have any viral capabilities, a social login becomes another registration form. To identify a potential viral factor in your app, answer the following questions: 1. What is a strong reason th...


Well, an obvious way to do this, if you haven't already, is to create foreign language versions of your website. Depending on what countries you want to target, making localised language versions of it will boost your traffic 200% from those areas or even more. Here's a quick guide to how you ca...


I guess now is the time to start implementing the plan! What does it say there? :) Seriously - need to think strategy and go for the missing pieces ... I doubt you need a lawyer or SBA advise to get started. But the details of course depend on what is it you are trying to do. Happy to chat if y...


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